Wednesday the 25th of May
This morning I trained with Ash, she is a great training partner and puts me through my paces if it comes to strength (her nickname is Tighs of steel!)
Here is what we did (I have recorded my numbers only, Ash has taken hers home):
Warm up (working on feet speed and mobility)
4 rounds of 20/20 (20 sec work/20 sec rest)
side hops (from block 1 - block2)
1. 59 2.57 3.61 4.60
backward/ forward hops (from block 1 - block 4)
1. 63 2.62 3.? 4.63
side, back and across hops (from block 1 - block 2- block 3 and back to block 1)
Each rotation counts as 1
1. 17 2.20 3.21 4.21
3 rounds of
5 x wall squat
5 x SOTS @ 2x6kg
5x knee jumps
Deadlift up to 85%
Build up to heavy deadlift then
5x2 @ 90kg
Then afternoon (Sabina only)
Interval - Power Endurance (P)
(P) means that I focused more on power of the stroke, which means more ambitious target and longer recovery. Today my target was under 55 sec each, 90 sec recovery:
54.9 @ 31
55.0 @ 31
53.8 @ 32
54.4 @ 31
54.6 @ 31
54.9 @ 31
54.9 @ 32
56.0 @ 32
55.8 @ 32
55.9 @ 32
Failed:4 Good: 6

Thursday 26th of May
Strength TGU (Sabina & Paul)
Build up to TGU 1 RM
Sabina - 30 kg
Paul - 30kg
then 5x1 (per arm) @ 90% 1RM @ 27.5kg
Turkish Get Ups felt much stronger than last week. Both of us could probably tgu heavier weight then 30kg but only with right arm. As true 1RM only counts when lifted on right and left side, we kept 1RM as 30kg.
Then 30 mins run to MJ (Michael Jackson statue in Fulham stadium :))
then evening - Sabina only 1 hr dance practice