Friday 1 October 2010

Full Throttle WOW - 31

Last Saturday was interesting. I was tempted to do one of the Gym Jones workouts (louder than 10) for some time. And... I wanted to do it in a race format. When you race against others, the temptation to cheat to win gets really big. The question is - do you really feel like a winner, if you win a race cheating. I didnt watch or check on the guys, as I trained with them. The rules were simple, ball slam - low catch, push up - chest to the floor, swing.
I do trust everyone did everything with a perfect form.

Gym Jones workout - Louder than 10


11 rounds of:

5x ball slams
10x push ups
15x kb swing


4 rounds of:

30/30 means 30sec effort /30sec "rest" in a compromised position

30 sec of push press with 2x7kg or 2x8kg D/B'S, 30 sec hold the dumbells overhead (elbows locked)

then 4 rounds of:

30/30 squat, rest in squat position

then 4 rounds of:

30/30 ball slam, rest - hold the ball in front of you elbows straight



Tabata 20 sec on/10 sec off - 4 roundson each station

Sprints, burpees, frog hops

Then 3 mins plank

Job done!


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