We've been a bit slack recently and eased off the pace filming our workouts. For this we have been duly chastised by the lesser mortals that are unable to make it down to the Full Throttle Fitness Class.
So allow me to retort, "DON'T TALK ABOUT IT, BE ABOUT IT!" come to the session and you wouldn't have to worry about getting your weekly video fix! However, I was duly reminded by Coach Sabina Skala that not everyone can make it down and I should stop being so stubborn. We arm wrestled for it. She won. So from next week we'll film again.
So here is what we got up to on Saturday 10th April.
Full Throttle Fitness Workout Of The Week #13 (W.O.W)
Warm up Joint Mobility & Dynamic Movement
Section One: Coach Skala
IWT Protocol (Interval Weight Training)
A)15 Double Handed Kettlebell Swings
B)Traveling Burpees x 2 Minutes
x 3 sets. Rest 1 minute between sets
Having completed part 1) rest 3 minutes and go into part 2...
A)15 Single arm Kettlebell Squat into Over head Press
B)2 minutes fartlek sprints
x 3 sets. Rest 1 minute between sets.
Simple and effective, head down we threw ourselves at this MCT (mixed circuit training) piece.
Section Two: Cj Swaby
Partner MCT Protocol (Mixed Circuit Training)
3 stations. 45 seconds work: 15 seconds transition. Complete 4 circuits.
Exercise Menu
1)Partner Kettlebell Swings (passing Kettlebell back and forth to each other)
2)Sand back through and catch (by any means necessary)
3)Marine Kit bag flip and catch
Smoking!! Fun was had by all. After a few moments to gather our faculties, we headed over to Cafe Nile in Clapham North to refuel and enjoy the rest of the sunny day.
Full Throttle Fitness Class
Saturday 12:15pm - 1:15pm
Balance Physiotherapy, 113 Gauden road, London, Sw4 6LE
£15 or £10 with V.I.P text.
Contact us: 07903 210 510
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