Monday, 29 November 2010

McKenzie Fit V CJS Fitness

McKenzie Fit V CJS Fitness

Mayhem At Thames Cross Fit

When Andy "Iron Mac" McKenzie told us he was coming to London and wanted to play, we couldn't miss this great opportunity, so I called up Jay over at Thames Cross Fit to see if he was up for getting in on the action.

Thames Cross Fit is a little gem hidden near West India Quay and Canary Wharf. Its a nice space with all the toys needed to forge elite fitness. The coaches Jay, Jane and Jami are welcoming progressive coaches. Luckily for us Jay said yes, so on Friday 25th November at 7pm, we held the now infamous McKenzie Fit V CJS Fitness "The Lock In Session". The format? One hour, three coaches, twenty minutes each. Here's how it went down.

Section One: Coach Cj Swaby

Warm Up: Joint Mobiliy & Dynamic Movement

Mixed Circuit Training (MCT)

45 seconds work: 15 seconds change over x 5 stations. Complete 3 rounds of the circuit.

Exercise Menu

1) Bear Crawls (back and forth)
2) Dead Hang from bar
3) Kettlebell clean & Press (change hand every 3 reps)
4) Depth Jumps into precision land
5) Burpees

With everyone now thoroughly warmed up, Iron Mac arrived on cue to deliver a tasty bodyweight bedlam!

Section 2: Andy "Iron Man" McKenzie

Partner Bodyweight Drills 1:1 ratio for work/rest

Power/Speed Jumps- Partner A sits on floor arms straight level with shoulder and legs slightly apart. Partner B 'power' jumps over the first arm then x2 'speed' jumps over each leg and then one more 'power' jump over the other arm. This is 1 repetition- Carry out x4 reps then change over and each person repeats for 4 sets (partner on floor maintains good posture throughout).

120 seconds Rest

Bridge/Crawls- Partner A holds high arch bridge with only fingertips and feet in contact with floor. Partner B 'Power' Jumps over A and then crawls under partner- small movements only hands and feet in contact with floor. When clear they carry out a burpee jump back over and repeat then change- this is continuous for 4 minutes.

120 seconds Rest

Hang Tough/MacPress Up (MPU) and Jump Squat (JS)- Partner A Carries out x10 JS, x8 MPU, x6 JS, x4 MPU and x2 JS. Partner B Hangs on bar and each time partner changes exercise he/she has to carry out a controlled hanging leg raise (toes touching bar). Each person carries out 3 rounds each. If at anytime the person drops from the hang, the reps start back at x10......
Finished off with rope climbing skills- the right way!

Section 3: Coach Skala

Tag team - working in pairs

Partner A 1: 250M ROW
Partner A2: Overhead Kettlebell hold x 2 HOLD UNTIL A1 FINISHES THEN SWAP & REPEAT

Other pairs keep working until A1 and A2 have finished

Pair B:

Partner B1 - burpee to pull up
Partner B2 - plank

Pair C

Partner C1 - squat jumps
Partner C2 - wall sit

Partner D

Partner D1 - Medicine Ball Chest pass to wall & Catch
Partner D2 - plank

Partner E
Both Partners - macpees (Burpee with an overhead clap when in the bottom position)

Job done, we congratulated each other on a session of blood sweat and tears and much fun. Cross Fit Thames is a fantastic space and if you are in the Canary Wharf area you need to check this space out. Got it? Good. Once again a BIG Thank you to Jay and the crew at Thames Cross Fit. We're looking forward to the next "Lock In Session" coming to a venue near you - we'll keep you posted.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Full Throttle Conditioning WOW # 37

It took me 3 days to recover after training we did last Saturday. It is hard when you do it, but it doesnt promise that you will need such a long time to shake it off. If you are going to give it a go, please bear in mind - you need to make time for recovery, so I would recommend trying it out a just before your REST day.

Here it goes:

Warm up -

Joint mobility

Work Out - 100 reps of each in total

It works out:

Thrusters 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
Renegade Rows 16 - 20 - 6 - 10
Double Swing 10 - 5 - 20 - 15
Burpee to push up 5 - 10 - 15 - 20

1 round looks like - 20 thrusters, 16 renegade rows (double count), 10 double swings, 5 burpee to push up

This was 1st set

Then - a bonus :), set number 2:

Thrusters 5 - 10 - 15 - 20
Renegade Rows 10 - 6 - 20 - 16
Double Swing 15 - 20 - 5 - 10
Burpee to push up 20 - 15 - 10 - 5

Ladies used 2x12kg KB, gentelmen 2x16kg +

Cool down

Row and deck squats

Job done!


Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Full Throttle Fitness WOW# 36

Full Throttle Fitness WOW# 36 (Workout Of The Week)

By Coach Cj Swaby

There are somethings in life that just seem to go well together, Batman and Robin, Bonny & Clyde, Usain Bolt and 100 metres, fish and water, Ben & Jerry's ice cream and a spoon, kettlebells and Steve Cotter, Rannoch Donald and simple strength, 'shell' tracksuits and the 80's; while other things, for their own good, should be kept FAR apart. Coach Skala and Cj Swaby are such examples, because when we get together carnage ensues. What seemed like a good idea for a session at the start, suddenly became apparent that in no uncertain terms was what we proposed a 'GOOD' idea. I guess you live and you learn right?

Full Throttle Fitness WOW# 36
Warm Up: Joint Mobility & Dynamic Movement

Main Session (led by Coach Cj Swaby)

Double Kettlebell Front Squat x 10
Double Kettlebell Swing x 10
10 Box Jumps x 10

Cycle this x 3 with NO rest. This equals 1 set.

Complete 3 sets with 3 minute rest between sets. This totals 270 reps.

Section 2 (led by Coach Skala)

Tabata Hybrid: 20:10 x 10 rounds per station.
x 4 stations in total.
1 minute test between stations.

1) McKenzie Burpees
2) Sprints
3) Bear Crawls
4) Stair Sprints

Cool down, stretch and Grid to close.

There was an eerie silence that loomed over the session this week as we attacked this session. If you want to know why, try this session out. You'll soon see!

Full Throttle Fitness Saturdays 12:15pm -1:15pm,
Balance Physiotherapy 113 Gauden Road, Clapham, London, SW4 6LE

£15 per class or £10 VIP
For updates and VIP list follow us on FACEBOOK

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Full Throttle Fitness Workout of the Week WOW #35

Last Saturday's session surprised me greatly. It was supposed to be a decent power endurance session, demanding on the day, but everyone should have been ready to train on Monday (providing Sunday was a recovery day). Sunday felt good and I had a strength session scheduled for Monday. And... the Saturday's training caught up on me, Mondays training had to be changed to recovery airdyne ride. I spoke to Ash, she had the same experience. The session really kicked in 2 days later.

So here is what we did:

Warm up - joint mobility

Continue the warm up with 3 rounds of 20x hand to hand swing, 10 x snatch (per hand)

Then - training:

6 rounds of (men used 2x16kg KB, girls 2x 12kg KB)

10 x clean and jerk (use 2 KB's)
10 x renegade row (double count)
5 x push up (on KB's)
5 x double swing
5 x push up
5 x double swing
10 sec L-sit
10 x MacKenzie's burpees (Thank you Iron Mac!)

Rest 1 min every 2 rounds

rest 3 mins

4x 30/30 frog hop
Rest 1 min

4x 30/30 split jump

3 mins plank hold

Cool down

Designing the session I have to admit I didnt really think much of it. However to my surprise, it was much tougher than I expected. This is why I love training so much, after all the years, you still cannot be sure about the outcome.

Have a go and enjoy the feeling 2 days after :D
