By Coach Cj Swaby
"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly." - Aristole
The 100 rep Challenge is not a movement, but a way of life. Started by Rannoch Donald of Simple Strength, it has grown a head of steam over the years, being successfully featured at The UK's largest fitness expo, Body Power for two years straight.
Well, we've appropriated it for our Full Throttle Fitness Class (and added our own twist to it). Now a monthly feature in our timetable, there is foundation workout, followed by the 100 rep challenge.
The main session acted a primer. It was a devious piece, and went down like this.
Full Throttle Fitness WOW#3 100 Rep Challenge
Main Session
Exercise Menu
1/ Kettlebell Snatch Left Arm
2/ Kettlebell Snatch Right Arm
3/ Bear Crawl
4/ Press Ups
The Protocol
60 seconds per exercise: 30 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds per exercise: 30 seconds Rest
30 Seconds per exercise: 30 seconds Rest
15 Seconds per exercise: 30 seconds Rest
Rest 3 minutes
Exercise Menu
1/ Kettlebell Double Swings
2/ Kettlebell Front Squats
3/ Windmill Left Arm
4/ Windmill Right Arm
The Protocol
60 seconds per exercise: 30 Seconds Rest
45 Seconds per exercise: 30 seconds Rest
30 Seconds per exercise: 30 seconds Rest
15 Seconds per exercise: 30 seconds Rest
For each exercise and for each round we kept tally of the repetitions completed. This would serve as a bench mark so that when the session is completed the following month you can see any improvements, or areas that require working on.
B1/ The 100 Rep Challenge
1/ 40 press ups to fist
2/ ATG (Ass to Ground) Squats (had to make contact with sandbag placed below bottom).
3/ 20 Laps of Stair Sprints.
Again we tracked time so that we could all aim to improve at our next attempt,after all "Excellence is a habit".
Want to join in one of our classes? we've got a brand new TIMETABLE giving you whole host of options. Plus a new Monthly Unlimited Class Pass which saves you over £90.00 per month. CONTACT US for details.
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