Tuesday 16 March 2010

Workout Of The Week (W.O.W) #10

Last Saturday we have decided to have some "fun". Sabina has just come back from her training trip to the US. She thought what would happen if we combined 2 training sessions in one (both sessions were "stolen" - part 1 from Nico - Romanian KB trainer, who works with US Special Forces; part2 from Gym Jones).

If you could survive special forces training "complemented" with Gym Jones leg killer - you can survive everything. This time we didnt plan any particular outcome, it was a fun, an experiment and mental toughness test. David, who smashed both workouts has made Sabina very proud!

Joint mobility warm up

Part 1 (Nico's KB Hell):
Done with 2x 16kg KB's
1 rep of each, then 2 reps of each, then 3 reps of each

Double Clean
Double Clean + Renegade Row
Double Clean + Renegade Row + Burpee to push up

Looks like:
Round 1: 1x Double Clean; 1x Double Clean + Renegade Row; 1x Double Clean + Renegade Row + Burpee
Round 2: 2x Double Clean; 2x Double Clean + Renegade Row; 2x Double Clean + Renegade Row + Burpee
Round 3: 3x Double Clean; 3x Double Clean + Renegade Row; 3x Double Clean + Renegade Row + Burpee

1 rep of each, then 2 reps of each, then 3 reps of each

Double Clean
Double Clean + Front Squat
Double Clean + Fron Squat + Thruster

1 rep of each, then 2 reps of each, then 3 reps of each


Then rest for 3 - 4 mins

Part 2 (Gym Jones):

7 rounds of:
30 sec of box jumps
1 min step ups
30 sec rest
Numbers to hit - 15+ box jumps, 30+step ups

Then rest for 2 mins:

5 rounds of

20 lunges
30 sec wall sit
(David had to hold 12 kg KB for the last 3 sets during the wall sit)

1000m row for time (just to finish off ;)

Cool down.

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