Thursday 19 March 2009

Is The Future Of Our Health In Our Dietary Past?

When we have lost our way, it is easy to resort to the past. Past behaviours, trends and habits are safe. We know what to expect, we know the outcome. But it has us stuck in the past, without the insight or motivation to move forward.

Globally, unsustainable and unethical farming methods have had detrimental effects on our collective health. The 2005 Animation The Meatrix highlights important issues, it seems that we have strayed from the path.

However, does resorting to the dietary methods of our ancestors necessarily mean it will work for us? Ori Hofmekler's Warrior Diet has been the front runner in recent years with great success, advocating a return to the ways of our ancestors. The principles outlined below are simple to introduce;
1. Eat One Main Meal at Night

There is evidence that humans are nocturnal eaters, inherently programmed for undereating and toiling during the day, followed by overeating and relaxing at night.

2. Go Low on the Food Chain
Researchers believe that the human genome is programmed for a late Paleolithic world. As hunter/gatherers we're better adapted to pre-agricultural food– i.e. chemical-free fruit, vegetables, roots, sprouted legumes, nuts, seeds, fertile eggs, marine food (wild catch), and dairy from grass fed animals.

3. Exercise While Undereating

It has been established that we are inherently carrying survival mechanisms that benefit us when triggered by physical or nutritional stress such as exercise or undereating. Combining exercise with undereating will amplify the beneficial mechanisms of both – increasing our ability to utilize energy, improve strength and resist fatigue."

For the warrior diet, being "OK" is just not good enough. There is a distinct difference between living and surviving.

It doesn't stop there. The organisation, Optimum Nutrition in London which has strong research and evidence based backing has recently adopted a similar stance. Optimum Nutrition have teamed up with key partners to deliver a conference on Saturday 4th April in London entitled, "The Nutritional Needs of Mankind".

Looking at current farming trends, and the implications for our future and the wellbeing of mankind, the conference will be indepth and comprehensive. Promoting key principles such as;

1. Go back to eating simple wholesome food
2. Try to obtain local produce
3. Remember we are forever linked to our environment

They go on to say, "Although we cannot go back in time, we can learn a lot from our ancestors...There is much well-being to gain if we remember that species co-evolve with the other species and that we co-evolve with our environment." Wise words.

For details of the April conference check out the Optimum Nutrition website.

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