I can't remember when I first met Sincere Hogan. Its been well over a year ago that I became aware of this man's methods, across the seas in the United States. Sincere (aptly named) is known as "The Peoples Coach". This is a man who walks the walk and talks the talk. Doing great works and spreading positivity for the communities that he is involved in, and all that he comes into contact with. That's what makes Sincere Hogan stand out from a culture of mediocre Trainers and Coaches, and money making fitness "Gurus".
He granted me the opportunity to do a 60 second interview with him. My wish is that you get to appreciate Sincere Hogans New Warrior Training philosophy and training methods. Be inspired, be renewed. Meet Sincere.
60 Second Interview: Sincere Hogan - New Warrior Training

CJ: Please introduce your self
SH: First, let me begin by thanking you for this great opportunity,Cj. My name is Sincere Hogan. I'm a strength & conditioning coach,based in the U.S., Texas in particular. And no, I don't ride a horse,but you may find a cowboy hat and a pair of boots stashed in my closet;-)
Cj: What is your area of special interest?
SH: I specialize in fat loss and lifestyle reconstruction via theutilization of such strength tools such as bodyweight training,kettlebells, sandbags, tires,sticks & stones, and whatever else we canpick up and move. Haha. All's fair in strength & longevity. The most important tool I like to use is the the mental and spiritual aspect,which, if ignored, makes all other physical tools useless.
Cj: How did you get involved in it? SH: Since I was a child, I've always been pretty active and had anaffinity for being outdoors, despite growing up with severe asthma.However, as I continue to learn and be inspired by great folks, suchas yourself, I continue to feel I am only getting younger each day.
Cj: What impact did that have on your life?
SH: My early love for the outdoors definitely has a place in thecurrent way I train and teach. Most of my classes are outdoors, allyear round. I still love climbing trees, hopping over fences, crawling up hills, etc. It's all about being free with my movement. plus, you never know when this type of training will come in handy, from asurvival standpoint.
Cj: What other areas of Health & Fitness are you currently exploring?
SH: I definitely plan to get back to my practice of Capoeira Angola,deepen my yoga practice, and for some insane reason, I'm starting toget interested in rock climbing (indoors, of course).
Cj: What Book are you reading at the moment?
SH: "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz, is really resonatingwith me right now. There is so much negativity going on, not just inour industry, but in our world, thus the timing is just right for meto immerse myself into this book. For those that don't know, the fouragreements discussed in the book:
1. Be impeccable with your word.
2.Don't take anything personally.
3. Don't make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.
These are guidelines that can help insure success in notonly business, but in our personal lives, as well. These 4 gems canalso help safeguard us from all of the negativity and bumps in theroad, life presents to us on a daily basis. I highly recommend thisquick, but effective read.
Cj: Favourite place to eat ?
SH: It's a tie between my kitchen and my mother & mother-in-law'skitchen. In my opinion, nothing beats a home-cooked meal, and my momand mother-in-law own it, in the kitchen. However, I am no slouch inthe kitchen, either. My other favorite place to grub is just about anytrailer in Austin, Texas. Our good friend Jonathan Lewis, who made hisway from London to Austin last summer, can probasbly back me up onthis one. Austin is full of a variety great-tasting healthy diningchoices. You never have to worry about not finding what you're in themood for, when you are there.
Cj: Favourite places in London to relax?
SH: I have yet to visit London; however, I guarantee you once I makemy way across the pond, I won't be able to relax. It's been my missionto visit London, since I was a DJ buying my imports from Juno,Blackmarket, and Hard-to-Find records, over 10 years ago. However, nowinstead of dreams of spinning at the Southport Weekender, I lookforward to holding a New Warrior Training seminar in London, by early2012.
Cj: What training goals do you have for 2011?
SH: My current goal is to attain Candidate for Master of Sport (CMS)in Kettlebell Sport, and as I previously mentioned, go deeper into myyoga practice. I think both disciplines compliment each other in somany ways.
Cj: So I've managed to grab a copy of your bodyweight Training DVD.Great stuff! How did that come about?
SH: Well, my buddy Mike Mahler approached me about teaming up with himto put on a workshop in Texas, late last year. Mike is a wizard whenit comes to training with kettlebells, and when he invited me to joinhim and teach some of my bodyweight training modalities, who was I tosay no? Mike is one of the best in the biz in creating greatinformation products, especially via his many in-demand workshops.I've always believed that, in order to be successful, you must modelyourself after successful people. Thus, I figured filming my portionof our workshop would be the perfect opportunity to create a productthat could show the benefits of bodyweight training, from a slightlydifferent perspective, as opposed to the industry standard squats,push ups, pull ups, and ab exercises. Not only will the exercisesfeatured on the DVD address those questions of whether or not one canbuild muscle and strength from bodyweight training, but they alsoerase the possibility of bodyweight training boredom.
Cj: Awesome, any thoughts you want to leave us with?
SH: I just want to say thanks again for the opportunity to chat,
Cj. Ireally hope I can get over to the U.K. very soon, and train with youand the great folks in London. If any of your readers have anyquestions, thoughts, or comments, the are always welcome to reach outto me at my blog at
http://newwarriortraining.com or on my Facebookpage, http://facebook.com/peoplesfitcoach.
Cj: Sincere, thank you for your time.
SH: You bet. Thank you, brotha.
Cj will be reveiwing Sincere Hogan's awesome New Warrior Training DVD in the coming weeks.