Foreword By Coach Cj SwabyI was first introduced to Eamonn Madden by a friend and fellow martial artist, Colin. Aside from our obvious similar interests, what fascinated me about this man was the focus, and quality of interaction that you experienced with him. Regardless of the subject, you parted feeling energised, and a sense that you had taken something from that conversation that would empower, or better you, no matter how big or small you perceived it to be.
It was inevitable that our meeting of minds would collaborate on what is turning out to be some very special and ground breaking projects, including the Fighters Development Program.
I managed to catch up with the man himself who was gracious enough to give me an interview.
Sport Mental's Eammon Maddon
CJ: Please introduce your self
EM: Hi I'm Eamonn Madden BJJ Black Belt, Head Trainer and Speaker for Business Mastery International and A Mental Performance Coach.
Cj: What is your area of special interest?
EM: Unlocking the infinite potential of Business and Sporting individuals.
Cj: For the layman what is Peak Mental Performance (PMP)?
EM: To keep it short and sweet it is when your thinking is clear and concise. It is when you are focused on your game and in the "zone" so to speak, allowing you to perform at 100% of your ability.
Cj: What are the benefits of Peak Mental Performace?
EM: The benefits can range from eradicating any fears or nervousness to perfecting techniques mentally. There are even processes I use to speed up, reduce
and even stop injuries.
Cj: How did you get invovled in it?
EM: Many years ago I was a competitor myself, I loved to compete until the death of my father, I then found it difficult to find the motivation and would obtain injuries prior to events. I then went to see a coach myself.
Cj: What impact did that have on your your life?
EM: Seeing a coach allowed me to become aware of the self sabotage I was inflicting on myself, my subconscious was basically putting me in situations where I would get injured. I also became aware that my Dad attended all of my competitions and since he was gone, I felt empty.
Cj: What other areas of Health & Fitness are you currently exploring?
EM: I am currently looking at weight cutting as this seems to be a very grueling experience (especially for Pro MMA fighters) not just physically, also mentally.
Cj: What Book are you reading at the moment?
EM: Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play by Mahan Khalsa and Randy Illig
Cj: Favourite place to eat in London?
EM: Anywhere they serve good quality BBQ Ribs, hmmm Ribs!!!
Cj: Favourite places in London to relax?
EM: In the Dojo or in my front room meditating.
Cj: What goals do you have for 2011
EM: To gain more muscular size and build more strength, I also planning to do a lot more international speaking.
Cj: I understand you run workshops, and individual sessions, what does that typically cover?
EM: The workshops involve goal setting, game planning and I teach processes to maintain peak mental performance amongst other things.With the individual sessions I tend to use a little more Sports Hypnosis.
Cj: Are the workshops and sessions open to anyone or do you have to be an elite athlete?
EM: The workshops are open to professional, amateur and recreational athletes, teachers, coaches, instructors and parents. Basically anyone who has any interest in sport, the techniques and processes can actually be carried over into the business environment.
Cj: Eamonn, Thank you for your time, what's this I here about you running a competition to win a free PMP session?
EM: Ahhh the competition, well I am giving a lucky individual the chance to win a 2 hour coaching session with me, entries close on Sunday the 23rd 2011.
Now it does not matter where in the world you are as this session can be done in person, via Skype or on the phone.
All you have to do is visit my site
Sport Mental and input your details into the Free Goal Setting eBook box. Thanks Cj
Cj: Your welcome. Thank you Eamonn, and see you on the mat (yeah, right!).